First Impression

First Impression

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Grad parties!

One of the best parts of being a graduate is all the grad parties that I get to attend. Grad parties range from just a BBQ in someone’s backyard, to a brunch at a country club, to a house party with a campfire. Of the ones that I’ve gone to so far, some of them invited our whole class and some of them were just a smaller group. Some of them were more family oriented, with parents and siblings invited, and some of them were just our grade.

Personally, I started to plan a grad party for my friends, but stopped because it got too complicated. I didn’t want to invite my whole grade, but I also didn’t want anyone to feel left out. I also couldn’t decide if I wanted it to be an afternoon or evening party, and I wanted to invite family, but also keep it relatively small. I decided to have a family-only grad party in my backyard, just to keep it simple.
Mostly, grad parties are a great way to hang out with friends and people in your grade before everyone goes away for the summer. I’m going to be gone for the majority of the summer (post to come soon), so seeing all my friends before I go is very important to me! Here are a few pictures of some grad parties that I went to:

Here are some pictures of my family grad party:


  1. Cute cute cute! Congratulations on graduation and good luck with wherever your future takes you :)

    Stay Fabulous

    1. Thank you so much! Stay Fabulous always makes me smile :)
